Happy Friday Vegan Curious Friends!
How’s it going? Did you make it to the Vegan Coaching Live Session this week? Wow, that conversation with Sarah-Mai was so incredible, I absolutely love her. She is so helpful, insightful, and just an amazing friend to have.
When I started my health and vegan journey, Sarah-Mai was the first person to really extend a helping hand and guide me through it all. Which is why I asked her to join me this week, I wanted you to feel that same support as I did.
In case you missed it, don’t worry about it! You can watch the interview here.
Grab your notebook and watch the replay, you don’t want to miss out on all the fun and awesome tips and tricks.
Here’s the mouth-watering recipe that Sarah-Mai mentioned. I can’t wait to try it!
Delicious and refreshing Vegan Pho

Bring the stock ingredients to a boil and simmer for about 3 hours (the longer it sits the more flavorful it will be). Add more water if necessary, as the broth will reduce as it simmers. (This recipe is not precious). Prep the accouterments and set aside; cook the noodles right before serving. Add lots of lime (1-2 wedges per bowl) and hoisin (2-3 tsp or Tbsp depending upon preference). Top with vegan chicken, cilantro and green onions.
With love and gratitude,
PS. During the interview we mentioned Melanie Joy, she’s absolutely amazing. Check out this TEDTalk where she talks about Carnism, it truly is game changing, and such an interesting take on things.
PSS. Is there anything you think I should be speaking about in the next Vegan Live Coaching? Contact me here on the blog or reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know!
Vegan Curious and want more vegan recipes? You’ve come to the right place! Smaklig måltid as we say in Swedish.