I’m starting to understand that all my addictions stem back to one thing. My lack of self love and self worth. I can now also see how codependency is my main addiction. It’s the addiction controlling all the other addictions. All the anxiety and worry about not being loved, not perfect enough, not good enough…
Emancipating from my parents to get clarity
I hit “post” and the tears just flowed out of me. The guilt. The fear. The years of shame. I was sitting in the shade at an outdoor table at CROP and for the first time ever, I didn’t care what people thought of me. I let the tears come and I released all that…
Journey to self love and compassion – Codependency
Codependency – I had never heard the word before. So, I reached the next layer in my onion of self-discovery. What for now even feels like the core. The answer to all my questions. The missing link. A friend recommended that I listen to “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown, and it absolutely changed…
Addiction Whack-a-mole
Whack-a-mole life. Does that sound like your life? Confession time. Years ago, when I came to terms with having issues with alcohol, I connected with a wonderful friend of mine and her first question was, “What did you move on to?”, I didn’t understand what she was talking about. I thought I had beat my…