We did it! I can’t believe that my vegan blog is finally live and up and running. This has been a dream of mine for years. Yes, years! We started on this vegan journey in 2015 and I’ve wanted to share about our lives and how surprisingly easy the transition from complete carnivores to 100% happy, joyous vegans were, ever since. I have been sharing about our journey on my Instagram

I finally came to the realization that my life will never get any easier per say. There will always be something that I can use as an excuse to not get started and get passed these hurdles that I had put up in my mind. I have so many inspiring and supportive people in my life and they’ve all been telling me that I can do this and I have finally started to believe them.

Starting my vegan blog
I had my wonderful 10-year old daughter take these real-life pictures of my “fancy office” and my “coworkers” today. My 4-year old wanted to help and set up for a tea-party on my “desk”. Ha, ha I absolutely love it. This is what life is all about and I love it! My working style will just have to be a little different these days from when I had a regular 9-5. I will learn to go with the flow and stop for snack breaks, cuddles

Please reach out and let me know what you’d like us to talk about. What do you want to know? Recipes? Tips for going vegan? Easy meals? How to stay calm and happy as a mom? Travel Tips? Vegan Travel? Book Tips? How to start a blog? How we found compassion in our every day lives? Health? How we can help the environment by changing the way we eat? Does it make a difference to go vegan? How? Adopting pets? Living in Florida? Farm sanctuaries? Vegan breakfast recipes? Vegan Lunch Recipes? Vegan Dinner Recipes? Vegan Smoothies? What do vegans even eat? Ha, ha!
Reach out by commenting on this post or send me a message. Would love to hear from you! Have a wonderful day. Thanks for your love and support. Letting love lead is amazing!
This blog rocks go mom.
Thank you so much, you just made my day!