Weekly coaching today! It’s time to create a healthier relationship with food!
I was supposed to be in San Diego today… But as it turns out I’m still here in Sarasota.. I will not be traveling this week… My flight got canceled, and then the one I got rebooked on got canceled as well… What are the odds?? But as the saying goes “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be”.
Yes, I was obviously very bummed at first, I had been looking forward to this trip for months, but it’s OK, I have embraced being home. All is well!
It’s not the end of the world! Life is good, life is great, life is wonderful, and I feel so grateful every day. I trust that the Universe always has my back. Even though I may not always be able to see the horizon, I know that I will be guided to that next right step.
While preparing for my trip I recorded the Vegan Coaching last week and I still want to give you that amazing recording.
Ashlee is so insightful and empowering!
I am passionate about giving you the support you need on your vegan journey, and this interview is just what you need.
Here’s the link to listen to Ashlee, as we speak about the benefits of observing the step you’re in, tips for going vegan, letting go of perfectionism and listening in, and SO MUCH MORE!
Vegan Coaching with Ashlee Born and Kristine Casart from Mom Vegan Love
I would love to know what landed with you and what you would like to learn about next! Comment below or send me a message! Always happy to hear from you!
Are you new to veganism? Check out all these easy tips for going vegan. Here are some of our favorite vegan recipes. You can check out this page with vegan appetizers too.
Smaklig måltid, as we say in Swedish. So happy you’re here!
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