When going vegan, one of the best tips I can give you is to have fun! Simple as that! Yes, just have fun, relax and enjoy this joyful plant-based ride. Have a blast trying new recipes, join vegan Facebook groups, take an online cooking class, check out a festival, and try new restaurants. There’s no end to the possibilities!
Finding vegan joy on the go
One of our first trips as vegans was to visit family in Omaha, NE. We would usually stop at Taco Bell or Subway right off I-80 (two places where it’s super easy to eat plant-based actually), but instead we typed in “vegan” on Yelp to see where that might lead. We found ourselves at an amazing restaurant in downtown Des Moines, IA that we would have never discovered otherwise. Nowadays we find so much joy and excitement in discovering new places and letting good food be our guide. Happy Cow is an amazing tool for finding tasty vegan food along the way too. Check it out!
Becoming better cooks – when going vegan
My husband and I are both better and more inspired cooks since making the change. I know it’s lame, but we laugh and high-five each other all the time for finding new ways to prepare delicious meals. It’s so much fun!
Instant community at vegan food festivals
The day we went to Chicago VeganMania (food festival) was the best day ever! We were surrounded by amazing food, speakers, food demonstrations, vendors, and other people who were celebrating the power and positive momentum of our choices. We can’t wait to go back!
Discovering new restaurants
Finding new 100% vegan restaurants or just trying new vegan options at our regular restaurants is a blast too. It truly is an amazing way to live!
Check out the post we made with our Favorite Restaurants for Vegans in Sarasota, FL. So many places to try! Makes me hungry just thinking about it. Ha, ha!
Here are some more Tips for How to Easily Go Vegan and here are lots of Yummy Vegan Recipes to try. What are some of your favorite things about being vegan? Would love to hear from you! Send me a message or comment below.